Dry Needling

At Plover Chiropractic Center in Plover, WI, Dr. Eric Liazuk works with a wide range of patients who are struggling with sciatica, neck pain, headaches, sports injuries, auto accident injuries, or chronic pain conditions. When you see a chiropractor for pain relief, the techniques used to deal with your pain do not involve prescription medication. With chiropractic adjustments, dry needling, electric muscle stimulation, hot/cold pack, ultrasound, a chiropractor takes a careful look at what is going on to develop a treatment plan that is right for you.

What Is Dry Needling?

Dry needling is a form of trigger point therapy that is effective at reducing strain in a trigger point that is constricted and causing you pain. Trigger points are tight bands of muscle fiber that make it difficult for your muscle to work properly. Dry needling is done by inserting a very thin dry needle into the muscle, which helps the muscle relax. When this occurs, the muscle gets more nutrient dense blood circulating through and is able to heal. Although it sounds painful, the needles used are very thin and cause minimal discomfort.

The Benefits of Dry Needling

When you have dry needling done, you might feel pain relief after one session. It is possible to manage tight bands of muscle that are not responding to massage or ultrasound by using dry needling. You are likely to experience less pain, improved range of motion, and better mobility when you get dry needling done as part of your treatment plan with a chiropractor. If you have been experiencing pain in any trigger point throughout your body, dry needling can have a positive impact on your recovery.

Schedule Your Chiropractic Care Now

If you are looking for chiropractic care for pain or poor mobility, it's time to schedule an appointment with Dr. Liazuk at Plover Chiropractic Center by calling 715-342-4027. Using a variety of techniques, such as dry needling, spinal manipulation, and ultrasound, you will get the care you deserve to feel better.

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